Nominate Someone In Need!
Katy // Boss Lady
Broadway musicals, Starbucks, small fuzzy animals, weddings, the color teal, & pretty things.
{Book} Eat, Pray, Love.
{Movie} Little Miss Sunshine
{Song} So Are You To Me, by EastmountainsouthCoffee Order
Iced Caramel Macchiato or
Peppermint MochaPet Peeve
When people give away the endings to books, movies, or tv shows. Seriously, people, stop it with the spoilers.
Albert // Cool Guy
French bread, penguins, The Beatles,
guitar, TOMS shoes, puns, fountain pens, & haikus.Favorites
{Book} The Illustrated Man
{Movie} Match Point
{Song} Any song by
the BeatlesCoffee Order
Cappuccino or Cortado
(Made at home, of course!)Pet Peeve
When guys answer their phones in the bathroom.